Last Sunday, me and my Chinese friends planned to go fishing by Saturday at 7AM. I told my Chinese friends to be there in the fishing area by that time. Well, for the past days I can't sleep well and by Friday, I had terrible headache. Actually it started last Thursday but I took a medication because I need to teach in the evening OT survey (about Noah). So last Friday I had to sleep early so that I could go didn't happen...I'm kinda lazy to get up...still no enough sleep. At 9AM I had a class (kids) for an hour. You can't imagine teaching kids without enough sleep but PTL the kids are nice and lovely (they're smart kids). So my class that morning went well. I still had a class in the afternoon for an hour at the same school, anyways.

So my Chinese friends( who went fishing) at 11Am came to my place and they brought a half full bag of fish (I think at least a kilo), they caught tilapia (very tiny and middle size fish). Hhmmm....I'm from the central part of the Philippine(Vizayas), we don't eat fish from the lake especially very tiny fish..and tilapia..I must think a hundred times if I'll eat this one. I like tilapia but not this one. Anyways, they're so excited to show what they got, they even caught an eel(it looks like a snake) and frog. So everybody prepared the fish and cleaned it. Our Engineer friend (Bill) prepared the pumpkin pie, he cooked it also. Wow, he was asked to do it, he didn't complain. He is our manager and driver sometimes. He drives very slow 60kmh. And a newly graduate doctor and her gilrfriend prepared dumplings. Everybody was busy preparing for lunch, it was 2PM already that we ate our lunch. I just ate dumplings and the pumpkin pie. I didn't dare to try the tiny fish, it looks delicious though. After that we rest and sleep. At 5PM I had class and my friends planned to play badminton just nearby my school. So they sent me to school first and I just followed them after my class. We played until 7PM. We went back home and finish the leftover...the crunchy tiny fish..hmmm. I still didn't dare to eat it, I just ate the tofu. Two of my Chinese friends shared that it was there birthday yesterday, Jack and William, the same day.They told us they were happy to be with their friends, it's enough for them. I made a joke if they told me I will buy a cake for them. Today, I'm happy. I praised God for He sustains me. I can't understand my feelings for the past few days. It's really hard to be alone. I was inspired by His message this afternoon, I shared it, "When one becomes majority." I preached about the story of Elijah, my favorite bible hero. I really like the part about the showdown in Mt Carmel. I already preached it before, I learned a lot about the story.Every time you read it you could gain new insights from HIM. |