Wednesday, August 30, 2006 |
People come and go... |
People come and can't stop them that's how life is. You could be with them in a short period of time or a longer time. It's really hard to see them go. Sometimes I asked myself why it should be like this, can't we just stay in one place. But then that's life, our Creator has purpose in everything. You really don't know if how long you could be with somebody, you don't know what would happened next. The only thing I'm assured is that I have a Father who knows everything, and He knows what's best for us.
Of course, I would miss the person and It's really hard to adjust again being alone. Hmm...I know I will get used with it. I find hard sometimes to think about not being so kind with the person or I wasn't a blessing at all when she was around. Well, it's done already, I need to learn something from it. Those special people in my life are treasured in my heart forever. I know we will still see each other. And there's a place I know that no one could separate us it's heaven. |
posted by GeNfAitH @ 6:25 AM  |
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